
Tuesday 23 April 2024

Tabby Cats & Revisiting Old Kitty Illustrations from 2013

I recently came across scans of some unfinished cat sketches on my hard-drive from a sketchbook dated 2013(!) I still liked them and decided they ought to be finished. I first needed to excavate the sketchbook from the bottom of a storage cupboard in my parents' house, but luckily the sketches were found. 

(insert photo of sketchbook)

On the same page was a finished brown tabby, and the two sketches looked like they needed to match (although it wasn't a difficult decision due to my biased love of brown tabbies). After painting, I rescanned all three together to bring them up to the same scan quality (the scans from 2013 look poor now in comparison to my current scans - likely a mixture of the scanner technology improving over the years, and possibly some slightly improved editing skills! (hopefully). 

watercolour tabby cats

I still like the paintings from 2013, and along with some new cat illustrations would love to make some prints and stickers with them. 

Here is a collection of most of them, including two of the new tabbies:

watercolor cat illustrations

Artwork © Amy Holliday 2013-2024

Saturday 20 April 2024

Rats Moon (Mose & Peaches) Version 2 Starry Night Sky on Black

I revisited this rattie moon piece to add in a starry night sky background. I always felt the 2020 original with its plain background was missing something. Recently I've began experimenting with dark backgrounds and this felt like a great piece to try it on.

It's strange seeing my paintings with a dark background! What do you think?

I used black and white gouache, and as I no longer have the original painting, (the commission included ownership of the physical piece), I had to work with a print out of the scan for the outline, and then later piece it together with the original in Photoshop. I was pretty surprised when somehow, it worked?!

It was so satisfying to redo the whiskers in white to really make them pop! 

Here is a photo of the original painting completed in 2020:

A blog post about the original painting can be found here

Artwork © Amy Holliday 2024