
Friday 29 August 2014

Study // The Finest Red Ramiro Sweet Pointed Peppers

More fresh fruit/veg/food/produce studies :) Another self-initiated lesson in painting with red. Heavily inspired by the sweetest red peppers I have ever tasted, the organic kind are the best of course. Ahem, other supermarket brands are available!

Artwork is (C) Amy Holliday 2014. Please do not use without permission. 

Monday 18 August 2014

Study // Red Royal Gala and Green Granny Smith Apples

Yummy Royal Gala and Granny Smith apples study. I tackled these with a slightly more botanical/scientific approach...

I loved painting these! Can you tell? 

Monday 11 August 2014

Study // Fruit: Juicy, Tropical Pineapples!

Pineapple study! Pineapples are a symbol for all things tropical and exotic so I hope I have captured this in some way. 


It feels good to finally have a few recent personal workings scanned and finished - there has been a number of illos around my desk that I've been meditating on before I've been ready to call them truly finished. 

More coming very soon...

All content and images (C) Amy Holliday 2014 - please do not use without permission.

Study // Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine

Personal portfolio/self development work.

Yummm. This tomato study turned into a bit of a painting lesson. After scanning the finished painting I found that I wasn't overly happy with it. The tomatoes were just not red enough! I decided to re-visit them, and this time really focus on getting that rich, ripe, firm and fragrant tomato colour. I realised that in order to get the richness I was hoping for, they needed a LOT more paint. I ended up finishing a second set too which I prefer more than the first! Let me know what you think :)

All content and images (C) Amy Holliday 2014. Please do not use without permission. 

Friday 8 August 2014

Better Homes and Gardens: "Live Well" // Photo Frames, Car Keys and Swimming Pools

The second of the two articles I worked on in the July issue of Better Homes and Gardens US magazine. For the "Live Well" section, I contributed four small spot illustrations to accompany the content.

As with the Better Health illustrations, these also required a consistent colour palette to compliment the page theme. I love those fancy "fine art" photo frames! Here they are as they appear in the magazine:

:: Process and Roughs...
Here's a variation on the car keys that didn't make the final cut.

If you missed yesterday's post on the Better Health article, you can find it here!

Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

All artwork is (C) Amy Holliday 2014 please do not use without permission.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Better Homes and Gardens: "Better Health" // Medical Clinic Illustrations

I can finally share with you my illustrations for Better Homes and Gardens US Magazine's July issue! This is one of two articles I illustrated for this issue. For the "Better Health" section, I was asked to draw four types of convenience health clinics.

They included a retail health clinic, online consult (including apps), an urgent care clinic and the emergency room. I needed a street view of the numerous clinic selection, as well as each clinic's individual front door.

This project required more research than usual as the American health care has quite a different look compared to the UK equivalents.

A consistent colour palette of blues, greens and teals was required to compliment the page theme, as well as some extra paint textures to use as page backgrounds. This main "clinic street" illustration in A3 in size.

I was thrilled to be asked to illustrate for Better Homes and Gardens. The client was so pleased with the illustrations that I even received a complimentary copy of the magazine along with a thank you card which was really lovely.

:: Process and Roughs...
Preliminary sketches for the designing of the clinics:

Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! :)

All artwork is (C) Amy Holliday 2014 please do not use without permission.