
Monday, 9 September 2013

Q & A: "How did you find your style of working?"

Q: "Hello. I just wanted to say I love your work! I'm studying illustration in university and was just wondering how you came about your definite style in working.. I have yet to find mine. ha."

 A: Thank you, it’s so nice of you to get in touch. Which year are you in? I didn't properly find/settle on my best way of working until the end of my second year (of university). I experimented a LOT with all kinds of media and approaches as I tried to fulfil the tutors' briefs and please them. I did learn a lot from trying many new and different things, but in the end, (and with the helpful guidance of one tutor in particular), I realised that I produced my best work when I stayed true to myself and what I love; drawing. As soon as I had found my focus, (and stopped trying to please everyone but myself) everything gradually started to fall into place. I returned to focusing on traditional techniques with drawing at the forefront, but applied my newly discovered skills and fresh ways of thinking as I strived to better myself and make my work stronger.

Afterthought: I feel I have so much more to explore and learn. I think a "style" develops a little with every new subject/project you encounter and with any new techniques you try. Many artists' work tend to vary and change over time...maybe in the future my work will have a completely different look to it?

Personal: Small Cat Studies

Personal work: Some smaller, quicker ("spot") kitty illustrations to contrast the large, more detailed ones from the start of the year. Trying to capture the feline essence/way - I had 32 sketches by the time I had finished, (some turned out much better than others did!) 

I returned to them at a later date and added some colour to my favourites...  (click for a larger view)

All images (C) Amy Holliday 2013.  Please do not use these illustrations without prior permission!